Sunday, March 13, 2011

Preserved Lemons

I just finished making a one litre jar of the preserved lemons.   Now it has to sit for three weeks.

Recipe for Preserved Lemons:

This is my own recipe and adapted from several I found online

    Get a clean 1 litre canning jar1) Get a clean 1 litre canning jar 
    2) Clean about five to seven large lemons - since you are putting the skin in you want all the crap off of the outside 
    3) Put 30 ml of kocher salt in the bottom of the jar 
    4) Cut the lemon into wedges and put them in 
    5) Layer from time to time with kaffir lime leaves - the recipes I read all called for bay leaves so will see what the impact of kaffir lime leaves are 
    6) Continue to fill up the jar to the top with lemons wedges - you need to force them in 
    7) When you reach the top, put in 30 ml more of kosher salt 
    8) Top up with lemon juice 
    9)Screw on a lid and leave for three weeks 
       I will post here how they turned out and what I make with them.


    Grocery Alerts Canada said...

    What do you do with the lemons after?

    Bernard said...

    They are used in Moroccan cooking, often in a tanjine and normally with chicken.

    I have seen other uses for it such as an cocktail that uses salt and lemon, say a variation of a Bloody Mary.

    The peel is the part that seems to have the most flavour, though the plup is good in stews and such.

    I am going to experiment with some salmon once the lemons are ready. I will post more about them when I cook with them.

    Grocery Alerts Canada said...


    Do you ever do cooking seminars?

    You must be a chef!

    Bernard said...

    I enjoy cooking so I could never be a chef because the nature of working in a restaurant kitchen would kill my love for cooking.

    I am also a crap teacher

    Grocery Alerts Canada said...

    I love cooking as well but could never work in a restaurant where I had to pinch pennies!

    I would love to have a guest post by you on one day.

    Bernard said...

    Sounds good, drop me a line at