Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cucumber death.....

Something is hitting my cucumber plants, they are not thriving. Leaves are shriveling up, fruit is dieing, I have no idea what is happening.

I am beginning to harvest some cherry tomatoes.

Zucchini is going OK, but not the overwhelming numbers I had hoped for. I wonder if this is a pollination thing?

The pepper plants are pathetic and pointless

The scarlet runner beans I planted very late are doing ok, but only starting to set any beans.

The wheat is 18 inches tall and
very green
The pumpkins are growing everywhere - though only about 8 to 10 fruit have set.

So, this year I have harvested:

  • 400 grams of basil
  • 1500 grams of parsley
  • 200 grams of chives
  • thyme, rosemary, dill and sage of about 50 to 100 grams each
  • 8 cucumbers
  • 12 cherry tomatoes
  • 12 zucchini
  • 10 heads of lettuce
  • 15 radishes
  • 500 grams of spinach
  • 450 eggs - the chickens are laying close to one egg each a day right now
  • 3 kilos of figs
So what is that all worth - I estimate it is about $180 to $200 worth of produce, the biggest part being the eggs. Without the eggs, it would abotu $60 to $90 worth of food. I expect to have it give me another $200 to $300 worth of produce.

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